Moving your Business? Consult an IT Professional First!!


Moving your business to a new location is likely to be an exciting and stressful endeavour.  Involving an IT professional in your review of a potential location, before signing a new lease, can potentially save you thousands of dollars in unexpected expenditures.  In the past we have had customers call us to facilitate the move of all their computer equipment only after committing to a new lease or purchasing a new building.  Unfortunately, in many cases, they think they have nabbed the perfect space but have missed considering several IT related factors that end up creating additional expenses at an already expensive time. 

Evaluate the site:

It’s important to schedule a site visit at the potential location to review telephone and internet services available and conduct network cabling planning and testing.  Just because the cabling is there, doesn’t mean it works. This will give you an opportunity to build upgrades, repairs, alterations and additions into your budget and better plan your timelines.  Internet, phone and cabling providers often need several weeks lead time so leaving this step too late in the process could delay your move. Contact ShawcsIT to assist you with creating a site map, checklist and action plan.

Site Map and Checklist:

  • Review configuration plan of new office with your IT provider specifying where equipment will be located.   Ensure the ideal locations for workstations, power jacks, and network cabling points are found.
  • Decide prime location(s) for scanners, printers, switches, routers, etc.
  • Confirm whether the requirements for the new server room will be met (electrical, cooling, dimensions, and security).
  • Set up call forwarding if you’re changing your telephone number.
  • Review telephone line capacity to determine whether you need to order a new phone system or lines.
  • Establish and order the type of internet access required for the new location.

Evaluate your equipment:

If your network infrastructure is aging, a move could be the opportune time to update your equipment. Depending on budget and requirements, you could even have your network up and running in the new space before moving in. 

  • Inventory all equipment to determine whether it will meet your needs at the new location.
  • Identify equipment that needs replacement or upgrade and order it in advance.
  • Arrange the return of any leased IT, phone or internet equipment that will not be used.
  • Securely dispose of obsolete or broken equipment.

Protect Critical Data:

During an office relocation, its crucial to make sure all company data has been properly backed up and is secure.  If the server is damaged during the physical move due to mishandling or a moving truck accident, the resulting downtime or loss of data could be catastrophic.

  • Consider an online, full metal restore type of backup for your server.  This type of backup enables the entire image of the server to be retained and placed on a whole new computer if necessary.
  • Make several backup copies of all company data systems including servers and firewalls, storing/moving copies separately so they will not be damaged in the move.

Plan and Prepare for Moving Day

Make sure your moving company is experienced in transporting office technology equipment and is fully insured so that in the case of damages you will be covered.  Other things to consider include:

  • Transport copies of your data backup to the new location separate from the main system and each other.
  • Label and verify all wiring and data cables to identify which piece of equipment they belong to.  Label computers with their names if they are not already.
  • Create a detailed contact list of everyone involved in the move.
  • Schedule your ShawcsIT team to assist with the disconnection and reconnection of equipment from the old office to the new one.

Be prepared.  Getting the IT planning part of your office move wrong could result in unnecessary downtime and delays.  The resulting operational and financial consequences could be damaging to your business. Shaw Computer Systems will help you plan for a successful and low-risk move. Then you can relax, and enjoy your new space!